The designations recognized by the Fédération québécoise des massothérapeutes (FQM) are intended, on the one hand, to enhance the value of the achievements of massage therapists and, on the other hand, to obtain better recognition of their skills as certified massage therapists by health professionals and the public.
These designations are determined according to the training completed and the skills acquired. Depending on the designation, massage therapists can issue massage therapy or kinesitherapy receipts that are recognized by insurance companies for the care provided to clients.
Here are the three designations recognized by the FQM:
- 400 to 1,000 hours of training
Massothérapeute agréé(e)
Nature of work: They are skilled in prevention and wellness. This professional performs massages that promote relaxation based on their knowledge of the human body and skills in the application of massage techniques, communication and interaction with the client, as well as the ethical, deontological, legal and judicial aspects of the practice of massage.
Work environment: Registered massage therapists work in spas, hotels or resorts, private clinics, massage therapy centres.
Field of Practice: Prevention and wellness.
Minimum training required: Profile 1 of the Quebec Model of Massage Therapy®, i.e. 400 hours of training on the human body (anatomy, physiology, pathology), technical massage applications, client approach and professional supervision. Bronze” bucket upon completion of 400 hours of massage therapy training and “Silver” bucket upon completion of 700 hours of training.
- Over 1,000 hours of training
Massothérapeute agréé(e) certifié(e)
Nature of work: They can intervene on biomechanical, energetic or psycho-corporal imbalances, or according to the realities related to the stage of life of the clients who consult him or her. This massage therapist assesses the soft tissues (e.g. skin, muscles) and joints of the body, intervenes with massage techniques in order to develop, maintain, increase or rehabilitate physical functions, relieve pain and promote health. This professional performs therapeutic massages. He/she mobilizes in-depth knowledge of the human body and skills developed in particular in evaluation and therapeutic follow-up, in helping relationships and in the practical application of massage techniques adapted to the person’s health condition.
Work environment: Certified massage therapists work in private or multidisciplinary clinics, hospitals, end-of-life homes, nursing homes, massage therapy centres, sports and fitness clinics, spas and hotels.
Field of practice: Health and rehabilitation (therapeutic massage), prevention and wellness.
Minimum training required: Profile 2 or 3 of the Quebec Model of Massage Therapy®, i.e., 1,000 hours of training on the human body (anatomy, physiology, pathology), evaluation and therapeutic follow-up (clinical reasoning), technical applications of massage, client approach and the helping relationship, professional supervision (ethics, deontology, legal framework) and business management Obtaining a “Gold” bucket upon completion of 1,000 hours of training in massage therapy.
Kinésathérapeute Agréé(e) Certifié(e)
Nature of work: They can intervene more specifically on various biomechanical and musculoskeletal problems in order to relieve pain that may affect the body and/or to rehabilitate certain limited physical functions. The kinesitherapist identifies tissue structures and their interactions with each other and potential imbalances that may cause pain. The Certified Physical Therapist uses massage techniques, passive, active and counteractive mobilizations, and other manual therapy modalities. In addition, they counsel the client, including exercises to restore joint mobility. This professional mobilises in-depth knowledge of the human body and skills developed specifically in assessment and therapeutic follow-up, in helping relationships and in various manual therapy techniques.
Work environment: The certified kinesitherapist works in private or multidisciplinary clinics, hospitals, end-of-life homes, nursing homes for the elderly, massage therapy centres, sports or fitness clinics.
Field of practice: Health and rehabilitation (therapeutic massage).
Minimum training required: Profile 2 (kinesitherapy) of the Quebec Model of Massage Therapy®, i.e., 1,000 hours of training on the human body (anatomy, physiology, pathology), evaluation and therapeutic follow-up (clinical reasoning), technical applications of kinesitherapy, the client approach and the helping relationship, the professional framework (ethics, deontology, legal framework) and business management
For more information…
For more information, we invite you to read the FQM’s Information Guide to New Designations. In addition to presenting the analysis process and the conceptual framework used for the reflection, the guide describes the new designations and their characteristics. In addition, the frequently asked questions provide additional information on how to take advantage of the new designations from a professional perspective.
For more details and enquiries, contact Member Services at 514-597-0505 ext. 228 or toll free at 1-800-363-9609.