The Fédération québécoise des massothérapeutes agréés (FQM) celebrated its 45th anniversary with the presentation of a symposium on June 9. This event, held in the offices of the , proved to be highly productive and inspirational, highlighting the importance of continuing professional training and collaboration between professionals across our sector.
Continued commitment to the health and well-being of Quebecers
Several workshops (including one in English) were presented as part of the symposium, covering a range of relevant subjects. Of course, our members learned about massage techniques, but also about the trajectory of trainers, along with innovative approaches to dealing with chronic pain, mental health benefits, and so forth.
This special opportunity to learn and celebrate saw the FQM reaffirm its commitment to the health and well-being of Quebecers. Discussions shined a spotlight on the importance of massage therapy as a legitimate discipline, one that occupies a rightful place in the province’s health care continuum. As numerous experts have demonstrated through their professional experiences both here and elsewhere, the virtues of massage therapy are manifold, and better outcomes are achieved when massage therapy is integrated into a multidisciplinary care approach.
The symposium concluded with a friendly networking activity, which allowed members to discuss their successes and current challenges. In an interactive form, several compelling testimonials inspired our colleagues to pursue their efforts to define and position themselves as health professionals and gain the recognition and credibility they deserve.
The proceeds raised as part of the symposium, held in the offices of the Institut de formation en massothérapie du Québec, will be remitted to the Fondation de la massothérapie, which works to offer people in frail health access to massage therapy care free of charge.
FQM Annual General Meeting: An important yearly gathering
Following the symposium, the FQM’s traditional Annual General Meeting (AGM) was held via a Zoom videoconference on Monday, June 10.
This event allows participating members to get informed about FQM activities and to submit questions concerning governance, ongoing developments on specific issues, and so on. After 45 years of existence, including a pandemic experience that had a profound impact on our sector, we can state that our record of achievement is extremely positive.
A heartfelt word of thanks goes to our members and collaborators for the success of these two signature events in the history of our federation!