Few health disciplines involve as much intimacy as massage therapy. The success of a massage depends largely on the skill of the massage therapist and your comfort level in receiving a massage, which is why it’s important to feel completely confident. By choosing a certified massage therapist®, you can be sure that they has received quality training in a school accredited by the FQM, the only accrediting body for massage therapy in Quebec.
To join the FQM and obtain the title of certified massage therapist® (registered trademark for the exclusive use of FQM members), the new member must have completed a training program accredited by the FQM. In addition, you should know that all certified massage therapists are governed – like members of any professional order – by a Code of Ethics, a trustee and a disciplinary committee, and by a professional inspection regulation. In short, choosing a certified massage therapist is a guarantee of professionalism.
Choose your massage therapist according to your needs and preferences. Don’t hesitate to ask one or more FQM members for information, as each one offers different services, depending on the basic and complementary techniques they possesses. The approach and experience may also vary from one massage therapist to another, but in all cases, the FQM guarantees that its members will provide you with high-quality massage therapy.
- the massage therapist clearly states the nature, cost and terms of their services;
- Depending on the services offered, the fees charged are fair and reasonable (a massage therapy session lasts an average of one hour);
- they practice their profession with respect for the client’s privacy, values, dignity and freedom; like all health professionals, they is bound by professional secrecy;
- they practice in conditions and a place that enable him or her to ensure the quality of their services, the well-being of the client and the dignity of the practice of massage therapy;
- they respect, in word and deed, the intimacy, modesty and integrity of the whole person;
- they shall take into account the limits of their own competence and those of massage therapy in general; if the client’s needs cannot be met, they shall refer the client to a colleague or another health professional.
Click here to know how the massage therapy session takes place.
Finally, consult our online member directory to find the massothérapeute agréé that suits you.