As part of its efforts to prevent fraud, the Fédération québécoise des massothérapeutes (FQM) continues to regulate its members who are no longer allowed to issue receipts for insurance purposes.

The FQM regularly provides a list of all active members, including new members and anyone whose status has changed from inactive to active member of the Fédération.

Insurers-Only Portal

Insurance company representatives can now access a section of our website reserved exclusively for them. In addition to viewing information on member status, they can consult our database to independently verify usage.

To obtain your access codes, please contact our member services at, or call 1 800 363-9609

Once you have received your access codes, you can log in by clicking HERE.

Our Control Measures

For the peace of mind of insurers and their clients, the FQM has introduced control and information measures which have significantly reduced the fraudulent use of insurance receipts.

For more information, feel free to contact us.