La massothérapie adaptée à différentes conditions de santé

Massage therapy adapted to various health conditions


Massage is a complementary approach that offers numerous benefits—some of which may not be expected. It has been used for thousands of years to restore health and prevent disease. Massage can be relaxing or therapeutic, depending on the circumstances, and it is always adapted to the individual, their age and health condition. It is dispensed in conjunction with conventional medicine and other health disciplines for purposes of managing a variety of pathologies.

Back pain, joint injuries and chronic disease are among the potential causes of pain, and they are all a normal part of the human experience we all have to deal with at some point in out lives. In addition to relieving muscle and joint tension, massage serves to modulate nervous system function by short-circuiting pain signals. These benefits have been confirmed on several occasions and for numerous pathologies, notably arthritis, fibromyalgia, sprains, muscle strains, and joint injuries.

To find out more, please read our articles about massage therapy applied to various health conditions:

The ABCs of torticollis

Scoliosis, lordosis, kyphosis: What role can massage therapy play?

Struggling with insomnia? Give massage a try!

Massage therapy in the management of fibromyalgia

Massage therapy and shoulder pathologies

What massage therapy can do for people with arthritis

Massage therapy for people living with cancer

Massage Therapy and Anxiety