Want to book a relaxing or therapeutic massage experience? The 5,000 certified massage therapists who make up the Fédération québécoise de massothérapeutes agrées have the training required to meet your expectations.
Since 1979, the FQM has been providing easy access to the most qualified massage therapists, regardless of what your needs are and how you expect to benefit. The following article lists the 20 benefits of massage therapy.
Use our online directory to find the massage therapist ideally qualified to provide a relaxation or therapeutic massage targeting a specific area of the body (e.g., back, neck, forearms).
The directory lets you filter the search results according to the desired speciality and the geographical location so that you find the massage therapist best suited to your needs, regardless of where you live in Stanbridge Station. When you choose a massage therapist certified by the Fédération québécoise des massothérapeutes agréés, you can rest assured that you will receive quality care dispensed by professionals trained to meet the highest educational requirements and ethical standards.
To view a member’s full profile, select Learn more from the list below.
Certified massage therapists specialize in a variety of techniques, from traditional Swedish massage to Eastern approaches (Amma, shiatsu, Thai yoga massage, reflexology, acupressure, etc.), along with deep-tissue massage and lymphatic drainage. FQM massage therapists also offer kinesitherapy and sports massage, while others specialize in massage therapy for people living with cancer, emphasizing supportive care and attention.
Our online directory lists all the professionals available in Stanbridge Station. Whether you want to relieve stress, muscle tension or chronic pain, our Stanbridge Station-based massage therapists are available to promote your health and well-being in a welcoming and relaxing environment.