Fédération Québécoise des Massothérapeutes Agréés

Dolorès Da Sylva

FQM Registered Massage Therapist
Dolorès Da Sylva

Contact information

Contact me

Centre de massothérapie Liane Dufresne


3615 Chemin du Souvenir, Laval, QC, H7V1X5, Canada

Professional skills

Basic techniques

  • Polarity
  • Therapeutic polarity

Complementary techniques

  • Fascia therapy
  • Training in hygiene, asepsis and infection prevention in massage therapy

Massage at home

  • yes
  • no

Rates and business hours

Payment methods accepted

  • Cash
  • Bank transfer

Business hours

  Mo Tue Wed Thu Fr Sa Su

Insurance receipts available

  • yes
  • no