Montreal, January 9, 2019 — The Fédération québécoise des massothérapeutes (FQM) is proud to announce the launch of its training institute, the Institut de formation de la Fédération québécoise des massothérapeutes. The Institut, which will be established in regions across Québec, was founded with the goal of promoting the development and recognition of the massage therapy profession. Its mission is to give massage therapists the tools to better deal with job market challenges and to support best practices in massage therapy based on the research available.
The Institut de formation FQM will offer specialized training, workshops and seminars on subjects connected to massage therapy, the occupation of massage therapist, the health care sector and interdisciplinarity with other health professionals. The program will also include components on the development of employability to ensure improved integration and job retention among massage therapists, and entrepreneurship to favour the development of entrepreneurial skills. Training will be offered as a complement to the courses offered by FQM-accredited schools. A training schedule that meets the needs of massage therapists will be developed in the coming months.
The new Institut de formation de la FQM has a community outreach vocation, as well: all the profits from training activities will be remitted to the Fondation de la massothérapie so as to offer even more massages to persons living with cancer or chronic pain. “Given that integrative health is gradually being established across the Québec’s care continuum, the FQM, its training institute and the Fondation de la massothérapie will thus be in position to further promote the advancement of quality massage therapy,” said Jean-François Bouchard, executive director of the FQM and the Institut de formation FQM.
About the Fédération québécoise des massothérapeutes
Since 1979, the FQM has had a mission to qualify and support massage therapists in their professional practice, as well as inform and protect the public. The FQM’s vision includes the professionalization of massage therapy in Québec. It is the only provincial association of massage therapists to have received the certification ISO 9001:2015, issued by the Bureau de normalisation du Québec (BNQ).
Dominique Poirier
Communications Officer
514-597-0505 / 1 800 363-9609, extension 238